O programa furor do momento: "5 para a meia-noite" e a sua rubrica com anúncios divertidos!

O programa passa todos os dias na RTP 2 por volta da meia-noite e à 5ª Feira conta com uma rubrica sucesso: [caption id="attachment_8598" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ocasião no 5 para a meia-noite.

The New Old paper is back?

Until now, the Amazon Kindle DX may be the e-Book reader with the largest screen in the market, but this will change with the launch of the Lightweight Reader. The Skiff Reader's screen is a 11.5 "touchscreen admirirável with a resolution of 1600 x 1200 pixels.

"Stop linking to us!" - they say. "Well, link to me instead!" - I say! Looks like not only some companies don't want their content distributed, but also they don't want backlinks... http://www.y