Incredible graphics with Avatar, the video Game!

Maybe too much violence, but it's a killer game with a very nice action role. For those who like action games this a very good suggestion More
Watch out for this Real-time Spam thing. It can turn out really ugly.... More

4 Important Tips About SEO For 2010

seo tips for 2010The term SEO (Search Engine Optimization and Optimization for Search Engines) is increasingly being researched and the SEO techniques are increasingly being used by a growing number of bloggers and webmaster

Google Real-time search is a fact!

The printing press changed the communication from one-to-one to one-to-many. The web brings it to many-to-many. Google has real-time search . We can make a strong point stating that Google has 11 years of experience with ranking based on relevance, not just based on sort-by-date. To get to real-time search, you’ll click the “Show options” link above the search results. Then you’ll see a “Latest” option.